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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 11, 2012 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ]
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: placido domingo and gabriel johnson. gabriel, thank you. nice job. i want to thank my guests chelsea handler, placido domingo and of course, gabriel. tomorrow night, terry bradshaw
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will be here. jimmy fallon, the emmy winner, coming up next. jimmy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i feel the love, i appreciate it. thank you very much. welcome, welcome you guys. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon" everybody. here's what people are talking about. there's a new video of mitt romney that's making the rounds. apparently hwas visiting a restaurant in florida. and the chef kept wiping the sweat off romney's face for him. and it's kind of weirded him out a little bit. take a look at this video. watch this guy. weird. why did he -- whoa, whoa! that's creepy, right? looks like romney was about to go all nicki minaj on that dude. i'll knock that bitch out. mitt romney continues making campaign stops across the country this week, including one in iowa where he outlined a new
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plan to help america's farmers. of course the farmers were like, no thanks, we already have enough horse [ bleep ] to deal with. [ laughter ] thank you. thanks but no thanks. this is nice. the obama's dog bo turned four years old. [ audience aws ] yeah. he spent the day as he always does digging holes, chasing squirrels and coaching obama for the debate. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] speaking of obama -- i read that his campaign is planning to open up its 120th field office in ohio. yep. even starbucks was like, that's too many locations, man. [ laughter ] that's too much. this is a little confusing here. there's a new poll by the pew research center that shows romney ahead of obama by 4%. and then, and then this other poll that obama says he regained his pre-debate lead, were they're neck and neck. a lot of different polls with conflicting numbers. and to help us make sense of it all, we now go to our expert pollster, paul porter. paul? >> thank you, jimmy.
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polls, opinion polls, straw polls, exit polls, entrance polls. people polling people, to peg public opinion, politically. so? i pitched a poll. to peg a pack of people's political opinions. then, pollinated that poll with a partial percentage plucked from public polls picked from popular political periodicals. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so what did you find out, paul? >> they are tied. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you. [ cheers and applause ] get this, i read this story about a new porn site that just launched, that donates all its profits to charity. unfortunately, charity is just the name of one of the porn stars. [ laughter ] just -- confusing. sad news, you guys, six months after getting engaged on national tv, ben and courtney from "the bachelor" reveal that they have broken up. [ audience aws ] yeah, other bachelor contestants
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were shocked. they were like, you guys stayed together for six months? [ light laughter ] that's a new record. i heard that steak and shake is getting ready to open up 40 restaurants in the middle east. of course over there they'll have a different name -- goat and float. [ laughter ] and finally, halloween is coming up but i just read that the average american will spend $80 on candy this year, while the average honey boo-boo will spend $80 on candy this morning. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight, give it up for the roots, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh man, we have a great show tonight! thank you, everybody. she is one of my favorite people in the world, from "30 rock," the one and only tina fey is on the program tonight! [ cheers and applause ] plus, you loved him on "lost," he's got a new big show out
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called "666 park avenue," terry o'quinn is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] and we have music from ellie goulding, everybody, whoa! [ cheers and applause ] a hot show, man. hey guys, we're always striving to get better here at late night. ♪ harder better faster stronger ♪ so before the show we put out a suggestion box for the audience just to get some feedback for what you guys think of the show, things you would like to see us do. that kind of stuff. so let's take a look inside the "audience suggestion box." here we go. ♪ >> jimmy: all right. the first one here is from -- mark donovan. said, "hey, jimmy, can you tell me if it's officially sweater weather, yet?" [ light laughter ] sure i can do that. ♪
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[ eagle cry ] yeah, it's sweater weather. [ laughter ] all right, let's pick another one here. tamara wilcox. says, "jimmy, i love the roots, but i don't know all of their names. can you have each one introduce themselves in a chipmunk voice?" [ laughter ] i think it would be good for our viewers to know all the roots' names so let's have them introduce themselves in a chipmunk voice. [ in a chipmunk voice ] >> tariq. >> questlove: questlove. >> tuba gooding junior. >> james. >> frank knuckles. [ laughter ] >> mark kelley >> my name's kirk. [ laughter ] [ in a normal voice ] >> and i'm kamal. kamal. >> jimmy: thanks guys. all right. very good. the roots. [ cheers and applause ]
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this one's from kyle anders. "hey, jimmy, i love the show, "breaking amish." i also love break dancing. can you somehow combine it to break dancing amish." great idea. i'd love to see that. so ladies and gentlemen, combining the popular show "breaking amish" with the art of break dancing, here is break dancing amish. ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you, very good. that was great, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] let's try another one here. this is, says call me for a good time -- winkie face. 607-555-0182. that's weird. there's no name on there. let me just give it a call. [ ring tone ] >> hello? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tariq. >> oh, this isn't my phone. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: then how did you get it? >> i found it at the racetrack. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you found it at the racetrack. who were you at the racetrack with? >> with a friar. >> jimmy: you were there with a friar? tariq, you are horrible at
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lying. >> whatever dude, just go in to the next bit. [ ring tone ] hello, tariq's phone. no, i don't know what i'm going to be on halloween. maybe cabbage patch kid? big bird or something? >> jimmy: all right, here we go. let's get another suggestion. [ light laughter ] let's do another suggestion here. this is from robin murphy. "hey, jimmy, i love "dancing with the stars." but i've always wondered what it would look like if there was no music and they were dancing in complete silence, can you do that?" you know, i've wondered what that would look like, too. so let's try it out. here's a clip from "dancing with the stars" with no music. >> one, two, three, four, five, six. one, two, three, four, five, six. kick, kick. tap, tap.
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>> jimmy: there you go. [ cheers and applause ] this one is from wendy lou, says, "jimmy, i love simon and garfunkel. but i really love black simon and garfunkel. could you have them on? sincerely wendy lou." wendy, it's funny you mentioned that. 'cause last night i was having a nightcap up town and i saw them perform. they really brought the house down. so ladies and gentlemen, here to perform a song of their box set. please welcome black simon and garfunkel. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i remember when we broke up the first time ♪ ♪ and this is it i had enough 'cuz like we hadn't seen each other in a month ♪ ♪ you said you needed space ♪ >> what? ♪ we called it off again last night but all this time i'm telling you ♪
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♪ but all i'm telling you we are never, ever, ever are getting back together ♪ ♪ we are never, ever, ever getting back together ♪ ♪ you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪ ♪ but we are never ever, ever getting back together ♪ ♪ sha la la la la la la la ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: give it up one more time, black simon and garfunkel, everybody! that's all the time we for audience suggestion box. we'll be right back with tina fey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ don't worry, i can make more!!! ♪ dpresidethis message. barack!!! obama and i approve... anncr: bernie madoff. ken lay. dennis kozlowski. criminals. gluttons of greed. and the evil genius who towered over them? one man has the guts to speak his name. romney: big bird. big bird. big bird. big bird: it's me. big bird! anncr: big. yellow. a menace to our economy.
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mitt romney knows it's not wall street you have to worry about. it's sesame street. romney: i'm going to stop the subsidy to pbs. anncr: mitt romney. taking on our enemies... no matter where they nest. silverado! the most dependable, longest lasting, full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ] i'll take it. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $8,000. hurry in before they're all gone!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. our first guest is the award-winning creator and star of the hit show, "30 rock," which airs thursdays at 8:00 p.m. right here on nbc. [ cheers and applause ] boy, do we love her. welcome back to the show my pal tina fey, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. that's what i'm talking about. >> wait a second. hello. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they love you. >> did you guys -- did you guys just play "hoover factory" by elvis costello? that's, like, one of my favorite songs. how did you -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> for real? >> jimmy: yeah. they do the research.
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>> oh my goodness. >> jimmy: they know -- they love you. they know you. >> that's awesome. >> jimmy: look at you right here, pal. you're gorgeous. >> oh, boy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: on the cover. "entertainment weekly." beautiful photo there. >> thanks. thank you. we had this photo up at "30 rock." they put over the snack table. and yesterday, i was there trying to, like, figure out my snack basically. >> jimmy: sure. >> and a guy -- it takes a long time. one of the guys who does background acting on our show came up, and he was like, "i like your article." i was like, "oh, thanks." he's, "who are you supposed to look like?" [ laughter ] and i was like, "aw." i'm not kidding. he goes, "'cause i thought it was supposed to be, like, cruella de vil." [ laughter ] sure. and then, another guy came over and he goes, "i thought it was supposed to be natasha from boris and natasha." >> jimmy: what? "bullwinkle"? >> both much more accurate depictions of my personality. >> jimmy: yeah, no. audrey hepburn there. you're looking gorgeous there, pal. >> thank you, buddy. >> jimmy: i saw you at the emmys. that was the last time i saw you there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we had fun. >> we had fun. we -- you didn't have your big party this year. >> jimmy: i didn't have the party this year. i let kimmel do it up. >> yes, so -- >> jimmy: did you go out
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i didn't see you after. >> i didn't really go out. i had a good time at the emmys. and then, i went -- i didn't go to any parties. i took the "heroes" route, and i went back to the hotel and i ordered pizza and milkshakes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and then, my husband had to wake me up to be like, "eat your pizza. wake up." [ laughter ] i was like -- >> jimmy: how lame. really? you just took the night off. >> did you mean awesome? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. i did say lame. i did mean awesome, yeah. >> to get woken up to drink a milkshake is awesome. >> jimmy: but then i saw you -- i saw you on the plane back. the emmys is fun because it's -- the first couple flights out of los angeles to new york the day after the emmys, it's a lot of people coming from -- from the emmys. i keep saying "emmys" so much. you can cut some. like, ten times i said "emmys." >> jimmy: no, it's like a drinking game. [ laughter ] every time you say it, someone does a -- >> so, we're getting on the plane. and on the plane, it's, like, me and you, and jack mcbrayer from "30 rock" is on the plane. and like -- >> jimmy: mandy patinkin. >> yeah, the cast of "homeland." >> jimmy: i talked his ear off. >> well, you guys chatted it up. i saw that. >> jimmy: i really -- i annoyed him i think. >> he's super interesting. >> jimmy: he's a really interesting guy, and i kept talking to him. i can't believe i'm that guy on the plane -- >> he's been on everything. >> jimmy: -- that's gonna annoy this guy. he's trying to read a script, and he's going, "what?
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yeah, yeah. and i go -- and i kept talking to him going like, "how was 'the princess bride'? what was that like?" just talking about everything. [ laughter ] i was so annoying to mandy patinkin. he, like, hates me. no, no. >> no, i think he likes you. >> jimmy: no, no, he likes me. >> then, on my side of the plane, i was sitting next to a dude that i'm pretty sure was the air marshal. [ light laughter ] dude's just, like, this huge guy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> big, like, cowboy belt buckle. big muscles guy. really quiet, mustache. and he's just, like, working on some kind of, like, super off-brand pc. [ laughter ] it might have actually been, like, a painted cardboard box. it might not really have been -- [ laughter ] and then, jimmy -- 'cause we're so used to everyone being, like, in show business on that particular flight, jimmy comes over to say hi to me. and he turns to the guy. he's like, "hey, buddy, who you with?" 'cause he thinks he's, like, a tv guy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and the guy goes -- >> jimmy: i thought he was on, like -- vegas or something. >> yeah. he goes, "i, uh -- i ride in the rodeo." [ laughter ] he's, like, trying to make up a lie 'cause he's clearly the air marshal. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't know that. i'm so gullible. >> and jimmy's giving him a hard time. he's like, "really? you're flying to new york for a
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rodeo?" [ laughter ] i'm like -- >> jimmy: i'm not buying this lie at all, and yeah, you're going -- >> and then, he, like -- he's like, "i'm working on an article." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he said he's working on an article. yeah, i went over and just told mandy my whole story. i'm like, "yeah, that guy over there, he's going to a rodeo." >> and then, he's like, "i want you to leave!" >> jimmy: shut up, yeah. yeah, he's popping an ambien as i'm talking. [ light laughter ] how's the family? how are the kids? >> ah, so good. >> jimmy: they're so cute, yeah. are they getting along? >> yeah, they're good. my oldest one is 7 now. she's so sweet, and she's 7. like, she's a baby at the end of "30 rock," you know, in the thing, and now she's 7. and she's like -- her teeth are falling out and are coming in. like, looks like sloth from "the goonies." [ laughter ] it's so cute. and the baby -- her and the baby love each other. people always ask me, like, you know, "is she jealous of the baby?" and i think because they're far apart, they're not particularly jealous. or i did think she was not particularly jealous of the baby who's 1 now. but then, i realized, when i was pregnant, i did this thing where i was like, "oh, you know, you'll be involved. help make the baby's room and you can make a painting for the baby's room.
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you and pop-pop can make a painting." her and my dad did. and so, then i started looking at the painting in more detail. i'll show you. so, this is, like, she made a nice painting. it has, like, a face with a sun. >> jimmy: cute. >> -- in one corner. super cute. and then, the next -- then, if you look in the other corner, it's like -- i'm sorry. i'm grabbing you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's, like, a guy -- like, a baby on the moon fishing, which is really the dreamworks logo. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, she stole that from dreamworks, yeah. >> she's probably watching too much tv, but -- but then, when the baby was born and i would be sitting in room at night -- giving her a bottle in the middle of the night -- when you step back from the painting she made for her sister, it is a terrifying -- it looks like a terrifying demon face. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it does a little bit. it is a scary-looking thing. gosh. >> so, maybe on some deep down level, she's like, "i'm going to get that baby out of here." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "go to sleep." you're becoming the artist yourself. you're the new cake boss.
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she showed me a picture on your phone. >> i'm getting into making cakes because i like to eat cakes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and so, yeah -- so, my partner, robert carlock, who runs "30 rock" with me, we met -- we all worked together on "weekend update" back in the day. it was his 40th birthday, and so, i tried to make cake that looked like lorne michaels. [ laughter ] but i don't have a lot of skills. >> jimmy: i think it's pretty decent. >> i think it came out pretty good. >> jimmy: it's pretty good. [ cheers and applause ] you got a talent. [ applause ] you got a talent there. that's pretty good. >> it's pretty good, right? >> jimmy: have you shown this to lorne? >> he'll see it tonight. [ light laughter ] the funny thing i thought was that i felt like it looked -- it even looked more like lorne after we ate it. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] which i didn't believe, but then i saw the picture, and you're totally right. >> he's like -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that looks more like him right there. >> "they ate me. it's fine." >> jimmy: "they ate my head. it's all good." [ laughter ] bittersweet. "30 rock's" ending. >> i know. >> jimmy: i'm sad about this.
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>> i'm sad every day. i'm, like, going through -- like, half the day, i'm crying, and then, i'm like, "i'm sick of you people." and then, i'm, "i love you people so much." >> jimmy: what are you going to do without alec and tracy? >> oh, my god. i really had a moment today. i was reading a really long with tracy and alec, and i thought, "i'm really gonna miss seeing tracy every day." partly 'cause i feel like once i stop seeing him, i feel like he's going to fall in a pool or something. [ laughter ] i'm, like, worried about what's going to happen. >> jimmy: they need you to survive. >> i think he might die if i'm not there. but yeah, i've been listening to tracy do the same, like, three bits for 15 years. >> jimmy: which ones? which ones? >> oh, my god. so-and-so is my biological father. >> jimmy: yeah, someone blah, blah, blah is. yeah. >> darth vader calling his grandson for money. do you know that one? >> jimmy: i don't know that one. i never heard that one. yeah, who'd he say -- >> in the dagobah system. he's always like talking about the dagobah system. [ as tracy jordan ] >> jimmy: "jack klugman is my biological father." >> yes. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jack klugman. >> any person -- he's like -- [ as tracy jordan ] >> "ernest borgnine's my biological father." [ laughter ] anybody. >> jimmy: ernest borgnine.
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>> he had the best one today. i was like, "that's a new one." he had one that was like -- [ as tracy jordan ] >> "you know when the opening credits of 'good times,' at the end, there's a dude -- on a ten speed?" >> i go, "yeah." he goes -- [ as tracy jordan ] >> "that's my biological father." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, come on! >> he tricked me! i thought we were having a conversation. >> jimmy: yeah. oh, no, you can't have a conversation with tracy. no, no, no. so, what has happened on this season of "30 rock"? >> oh, my gosh. so much. it's kind of exciting because we're doing these last 13 episodes. we're halfway done shooting them already. >> jimmy: i'm so sad about this. >> but they are still on tv. don't -- we're not done yet. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: every thursday night, 8:00. >> every thursday night. and it's kind of fun because everything's going to happen. like, you know in series you have to pace it out? and now, it's, like, everything's gonna happen. >> jimmy: everyone's coming back. >> people are going to come back. we're going to have, like -- we're gonna -- let's see. james marsden's coming back. we're going to meet kenneth the page's parents, and it's played by bryan cranston and catherine o'hara. fantastic. >> jimmy: no, gosh. >> we're just trying to get everyone we've ever wanted on the show done. don cheadle did a bit on the show. amy sedaris, gary cole. it's gonna be bananas. >> jimmy: we did a bit on the
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show, right? >> you did a bit on the show. all you guys. thank you very much. >> jimmy: yeah. it's gonna be a hot season, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> yep. >> jimmy: we have a clip from the show, "30 rock." here's tina fey. >> you're tracking my cycle? >> i don't want you stressing about it, so i made this calendar. i thought you'd like to know that you're ovulating. and i came here today to -- i don't know -- spice things up. i know, it was stupid. i know. >> no, okay, i get it. in the office. like, i'm don draper, and you're megan. okay, you're don draper. no, you're glen, and i'm sally. ♪ >> this is all organized. the coasters are for my ideas, and the pens are for my keys. >> liz, you have to see this. >> what if we had been having sex? >> then, i would've seen chris' muscular back. you think i care? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's it. you guys, come back. tina and i are playing a game when we come back. maybe a little pictionary. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ berman ] one appetizer and two entrees for 20 bucks is a crazy deal! and the competition to make the menu is crazy fierce! you can taste the tension in the room. how did you get in here? [ berman ] new southwest flavors now part of applebee's 2 for $20. see you tomorrow. "ever ask somebody to lend you a foot?" now part of applebee's 2 for $20. "who thinks about stuff like that?" "vince mahe grew up on two continents...
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and noticed that wherever you go, people have their hands full, but their feet free." "the result? a liftgate you operate with your foot." "code name?" "open sesame" "the all new twenty thirteen ford escape. it's what happens when you go further."
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, everybody, we're back with the beautiful, the talented tina fey. tina and i -- [ cheers ] -- are about to play a round of pictionary with two members of our studio audience. guys, what are your names? and where are you from? >> kelly from san diego. ♪ >> jimmy: and? >> jordan from san diego. ♪ >> jimmy: oh, san diego. you guys come together? >> yes. >> he is marrying my sister. >> jimmy: oh, no way, congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: where's your sister? >> right over there. >> jimmy: over there, hey -- congratulations, that's awesome. when's the wedding? >> this friday. >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: this friday? >> yeah. >> jimmy: hey, all right! good for you, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: all right, now we've gotta win. [ light laughter ] the rules are simple. we're going to pick a clue, announce if it's an action,
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object, person or phrase. then, you just start drawing. 30 seconds on the clock. tina and i will each go once, guessing to our teammates. with one point for a correct guess. then, our partners will take a turn, they're drawing. and then, there's a showdown in the fifth and final round. tina and i will be drawing the same clue at the same time. so, our partners both guess. all right. correct answer in the showdown twice the points we share. okay. here we go. [ light laughter ] tina, you go first, all right? >> all right. i'll pick -- do we shout out a number? >> yes. >> three? okay. >> jimmy: why don't you shout it out, and then -- >> okay. [ light laughter ] this is -- an action. >> running, jumping, flying. swimming around in the sea -- i'm a bird, i'm a plane, i'm a diving -- swimming. long jump. cannon ball. it really hurts. belly button on a -- belly bomb? bomb -- [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: belly bomb? what are you talking about? >> i don't know! canon ball? [ buzz ] no! [ sad tuba ] belly flop! >> jimmy: aw, belly flop! so close! what's belly bomb? >> the tough one. >> jimmy: i like that. that was good, well done that was good drawing, right? that was good stuff. [ cheers and applause ] all right, ready? good job. i have to warn you, i'm awful. okay. [ light laughter ] what number? [ audience yells numbers ] >> jimmy: i like you're going to say -- --they're saying words like -- [ crowd yelling ] >> jimmy: ah, bummer. okay. okay. it's a person. [ laughter ] >> oh, you're not sure? >> jimmy: yeah. >> romney. [ laughter ] dentist, smile, braces.
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comedian. you? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm so bad at this. >> mouth? orthodontist? cavity? someone from the midwest with a baguette? [ buzz ] [ sad tuba ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: someone from the midwest -- was his guess. >> horrible. >> jimmy: i mean, it was an awful drawing, but tooth. >> that's the first? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: tooth fairy. >> oh! >> jimmy: i didn't get to fairy, because you didn't say tooth. >> oh, oh -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] i apologize. >> jimmy: you're so bummed out. >> here we go, kelly, here we go. >> jimmy: all right. here we are. come on. i'm so sorry, buddy. i can't even look at my drawing. i'm just so bummed out, i just can't even look at. [ light laughter ] >> phrase. >> okay -- >> it's a phrase? okay, great. >> jimmy: belly bomb. >> come on now. [ light laughter ] >> in a deep hole.
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hole in one. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. wow! well done, oh my god. you got it right. here we go. >> all right. we got some work to do. >> jimmy: j-man, let's do this. [ audience shouting numbers ] all right. >> it's a person. >> jimmy: it's a person. >> think of that person. [ audience ohs ] >> i don't know if you should marry him. i don't know if you should marry him. >> jimmy: tiger woods? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thank you! [ talking over each other ] >> jimmy: that's not fair. jordan -- that's not fair, you can't do that. >> all right, who's up? >> it's an action. >> jimmy: okay, great. >> all right. >> jimmy: i didn't see it. i almost did. >> all right. >> jimmy: action, yeah. it doesn't look action-like to
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me, but, okay. bend knee, elbow. curve. it's an action. breaks the bones. "breaking bad," break dancing. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right, now, it's me and you. >> me and you, okay. >> jimmy: yeah. we're tied right now, right? >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: -- we both draw the same clue at the same time. >> ugh! >> jimmy: whoever gets this wins everything. >> and by everything, you mean nothing. >> jimmy: we win everything, yeah. i'll give you guys t-shirts. [ audience yelling numbers ] >> number one. one or two. >> jimmy: two, all right. >> okay, it's a person. >> jimmy: it's a person. ready? >> yep. >> honey boo boo. >> jimmy: house. [ light laughter ] realtor. >> oh, gosh. [ gasps ] >> pepto bismol -- >> pint, bartender?
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>> jimmy: i don't even know how to draw this. >> an udder? udder? >> farmer, farmer. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh my gosh. i told you i am the worst artist. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. the great tina fey! congratulations, again. [ cheers and applause ] "30 rock" airs thursdays at 8:00 p.m. "30 rock" thursdays, 8:00 pm, nbc. terry o'quinn joins us next. there he is right now in the bud light platinum suite! hey, terry! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ have you ever had déja, deja, déja, deja-vu? the headphone jack is going to be on the bottom. (explosion noise) welcome back! guess the galaxy s3 didn't work out. no, i love the gs3. it's awesome. i'm just saving a spot in line for someone. hey! hey! mom, dad! oh, thanks for holding our spot. you guys have fun. home by midnight you two. hahaha vo: the next big thing is already here. the samsung galaxy s3.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know our next guest from his emmy-award-winning work as john locke on the hit show, "lost." now he stars in "666 park avenue" which airs sundays at 10:00 p.m. on abc. please welcome terry o'quinn! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to the show, buddy. >> thank you. >> jimmy: big fan of yours. i followed you from "lost" of course, all the way over. do people just -- just ask you what happened? what is "lost"? what --
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>> yeah, people still want to know how that ended. and what i thought of the ending and i -- i tell them pretty much that -- we walked through a big bright door and our minds were erased. i have no idea. [ light laughter ] i have no idea what happened. and also i say it was, it was about the journey, it wasn't about the destination and then i sneak away while they ponder that. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. very smart, very smart. you're from michigan, right? >> yeah, i grew up in michigan, in the u.p. the u.p. of michigan. in the upper peninsula. >> jimmy: the upper peninsula. u.p. >> there's a lot of people out there from the u.p., i'm betting. [ a few cheer ] >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> does anybody know? because people say, "are you from michigan?" and everybody says, "yeah." "where are you from michigan?" and i say, "i'm not, i'm from up here." >> jimmy: up in that part. >> yeah, up across the mackinaw. >> jimmy: you're kind of like a cowboy, right? >> no. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] so where are you living? do you live in hawaii still? no? >> no, we shot "lost" in hawaii, we were there -- i was there for like, we shot there for six years. i had a house there, but i
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don't, it was great to work there, but it gets a little crazy living there. i get a little bit of island fever. >> jimmy: you do, right? yeah, yeah. i remember just -- it took so long to get to hawaii from here. it was like 18 hours. and we landed and i paid with american dollars and i go, "this is so not cool." "i just flew for -- i want to pay with like beads." [ laughter ] i want to like -- i was so mad. >> yeah, you want to pay with pineapples. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, yeah. so, now you're living here in new york? >> yeah, well, we're shooting "666" here in brooklyn and around the city. and so, yeah. i moved to new york. >> jimmy: what do you think? >> i think it's kind of crazy. i mean, you know, hawaii -- from moving from hawaii is one extreme and to new york is the other total extreme. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's not like, in between there's iowa and michigan -- [ laughter ] and all that stuff, even l.a. but new york? you can park your car in hawaii, and walk into the store and take ten minutes and it might rain on you twice and you talk to several people. and in new york, it's you got to hit the ground running. it's nuts. >> jimmy: it's crazy, yeah. is this your first time? >> i'm too laid back.
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i was here in the '70s, and the '80s, '75 to like '85. and it was -- i was walking with a friend through times square and they said, "it's so nice, so pretty. it's so wild, it's like disneyland." and i said, "yeah, when i was here, it smelled like bleach and vomit, pretty much." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: a good combo of both. yeah, yeah. >> not so much like popcorn and stuff. >> jimmy: no, no. yeah. >> it was a little bit different then. >> jimmy: the show is "666 park avenue." >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's a high-rise building. and i don't know what we can actually say. >> it's not too high-rise, it's very elegant. we actually use the ansonia here in town. that's the outside. >> jimmy: oh, is it? >> that's "666 park avenue." so, we live on the 13th floor. me and the mrs., vanessa williams plays my wife. >> jimmy: she's great, yeah. >> yeah, she's fabulous, yeah. but that's not tough. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. can i -- like, are you the devil? or you don't even know? >> you know, i'm, i don't want to say, because -- >> jimmy: yeah, you watch. >> you know, because -- >> jimmy: it's a journey. >> yeah, well because it's new york. [ laughter ] it's a trip. and i don't really know.
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the guy said, you know i said, "don't tell me anything i don't need to know. because you know, if i say i'm the devil, i'm going to go on the streets, and somebody's going to want to kill me. for sure, thinking i'm the devil." [ light laughter ] you know, when i was in hawaii one time, i was at the coffee shop. and i was standing in line and i heard the voice behind me. and this guy says, i mean, if you know the show at all -- "i just want you to know, i don't blame you for killing boone." and you know -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah -- >> no, i turn around and there's this guy. he's like 6'6", you know. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and he's looking at me seriously. and i'm going like, "well, that's good, you know. because i told boone to get out of the plane. when the plane started -- [ laughter ] when the plane started to move, i said 'boone, get out of the plane. you heard me. i yelled that." >> jimmy: i'm an actor, yeah, i'm an actor. >> "can i buy you a coffee?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but, this thing is basically -- a new couple comes in to help run the building? >> yeah, they come in to move into 666 -- -- and i agree to let them live in the building for free if they'll manage the building. so, i have designs on the husband in terms of where his
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career is going. he's going to go into city government. i'm trying to thrust him in there because i can use him. because i'm a big real estate developer. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, i can use people in government. the wife is beautiful, a little bit nosy. she's checking things out. she's doing a lot of exploring about the history of the building. and the building has some very strange and deep and dark power. >> jimmy: it's good. >> and i seem to be the one to manipulate that power. >> jimmy: yeah. it's almost like if you move into this building you make a deal with the devil. and you can't get out. once you get in, you don't get out. >> we're recruiting people with flaws and deep desires. very greedy people. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. i love it. did you always start out acting? or you actually played music, you were in a band? >> well, no. i was in a band -- i went to high school, and i started -- it was a very small town. so, there weren't bands. so, we kind of put one together for you know, the weekends at the youth center. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but i used to, my brother, johnny, my oldest brother, he started playing the everly brothers and elvis. and so, i picked up the guitar. and i used to go out to ladies night at the nine-hole golf course at the country club. and all the women would make
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their own food and go out and get drunk together. and i would play the guitar and sing there. so, that was my start. >> jimmy: and, what would you play? what type of music? >> oh, back then -- it was -- i think my big hit was "by the time i get to phoenix." you know, the glen campbell song. >> jimmy: yeah. great song. >> when i started, it was more -- crosby, stills and nash, and gordon lightfoot. i used to love them. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. i have a guitar here. [ cheers and applause ] can you give a little taste -- i'm really putting you on the spot -- i'm sorry about this. but can you just give a little taste of something? >> by the way, if you haven't seen jimmy fallon and bruce springsteen singing "i stick my hair back," [ light laughter ] [ talking over each other ] you missed the strings, man. >> jimmy: oh, you're a good man. >> you've got to go on youtube. >> jimmy: can you give a little neil? >> i thought it was him. >> jimmy: aw. ♪ ♪ hello cowgirl in the sand >> jimmy: yeah, that's pretty good! is this place
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at your command ♪ [ light laughter ] ♪ after all the sin we had i was hoping that we'd turn bad ♪ ♪ old enough now to change your name ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: all right, i could let you take it from there. that's it. that's good stuff there, come on. [ cheers and applause ] can you believe this guy? it's terry o'quinn! [ cheers and applause ] talented, talented man. "666 park avenue" airs sundays, 10:00 p.m. on abc. ellie goulding performs after the break. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] you know that guy who sells those remote control helicopters at the mall. buy 'em or don't. whatever man. either way, he gets to fly helicopters all day. i'm talking da vinci style flying machines!
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only at walmart. what are they fitting, aliens? ♪ moving along ♪ new beginnings and new ends ♪ spending our time with our family and our friends ♪ ♪ celebrate with the cool autumn air ♪ ♪ ♪ and we're livin' out our lives ♪ ♪ as we dance without a care ♪ oh we were made ♪ don't worry, i can make more. ♪ oh to be free
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ]
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest just released her second album, "halcyon." it's getting great reviews. tonight, she's here to perform her new single, "anything could happen," on american tv for the first time. please welcome ellie goulding! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ stripped to the waist we fall into the river cover your eyes so you don't know the secret ♪
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♪ i've been trying to hide we held our breath to see our names are written on the wreck of '86 ♪ ♪ that was the year i knew the panic was over yeah since we found out since we found out ♪ ♪ that anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen ♪ ♪ anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen ♪ ♪ ♪ after the war we said we'd fight together
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i guess we thought that's just what humans do ♪ ♪ letting darkness grow as if we need its palette and we need its color ♪ ♪ but now i've seen it through and now i know the truth ♪ ♪ that anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen ♪ ♪ anything could happen anything could happen anything could happen ♪ ♪ ♪ baby i'll give you everything you need i'll give you everything you need ♪ ♪ i'll give you everything you need
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i'll give you everything you need ♪ ♪ i'll give you everything you need but i don't think i need you ♪ ♪ i know it's gonna be i know it's gonna be i know it's gonna be i know it's gonna be ♪ ♪ i know it's gonna be i know it's gonna be i know it's gonna be i know it's gonna be ♪ ♪ i know it's gonna be ♪ ♪ and i don't think i need you ♪ ♪ ♪ but i don't think i need you ♪ ♪ ♪ and i don't think i need you ♪ ♪ ♪ but i don't think i
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need you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. fantastic. ellie goulding, come on. that was great! pick up the new album, "halcyon." we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to tina fey, terry o'quinn, ellie goulding! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots right there, everybody!


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